Chapter 41 Give Me More Please}Ep41
- "Oh come now. I'm sure you can do better than that. Tell us what you really think. Be honest." She grinned and shifted so she could face her fully. It was quite a bit to take in: the sly, fanged grin, the amused violet colored eyes, the bare ebony breasts which, if they were differently colored might have belonged to Aphrodite herself, and of course, the long, twisting serpent's tail, the tip of which was wavering in the air, just as a cat's might when it was waiting for the unfortunate mouse to make that one fatal move.
- Calliope flicked her eyes back to Thelios, still saw nothing helpful, and sighed with a mental shrug. If she wants honest, that's what she'll get.
- "Alright," she offered, straightening her back a little more and folding her hands in her lap, "Honestly, I don't think 'not' being a silly prat warrants the title of 'uptight prig,' and just because what constitutes 'fun' for the silly prats of the world isn't fun for the rest of us doesn't mean we don't know how to have our own sort of fun. But then that assertion probably makes me an uptight prig, which I admit I have been accused of...after a fashion. Therefore I'm probably not some one who should be commenting on the matter."